【数学中心】意大利因苏布里亚大学正教授丹尼尔・卡萨尼(Daniele Cassani)学术报告


   目:On the principle of equivalence in functional inequalities.



人:丹尼尔卡萨尼(Daniele Cassani

要:Abstract. Functional inequalities establish embeddings of function spaces into others and it happens they are sometimes achieved and in others cases not achieved. However, it is the case that an integral inequality (x) holds in the Banach space X if and only if inequality (y) holds in the space Y and we say the two inequalities are equivalent. A remarkable fact is when one inequality is not achieved whence on the contrary the equivalent one is achieved. We show how this principle works in two significant cases, namely the Hardy and the Trudinger-Moser inequalities.


丹尼尔卡萨尼(Daniele Cassani),意大利因苏布里亚大学正教授,其主要研究领域包括偏微分方程和最优泛函不等式,研究成果主要发表在Journal of Functional Analysis, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Analyse Non Linéaire, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, Journal of Differential Equations等国际期刊上。他于 2006 年在意大利米兰大学获得博士学位,之后随即在温哥华的太平洋数学科学研究所(PIMS)从事博士后研究,导师是伊瓦尔埃克兰(Ivar Ekeland)。自 2016 年起,担任黎曼国际数学学院主任。2018 年,被任命为因苏布里亚大学董事会成员。同时,曾受邀访问美国、加拿大、欧洲各国、瑞士、巴西和中国的许多重要学术科研机构。目前,他是因苏布里亚大学基金会的首席执行官,并且与陶哲轩(Terence Tao)和马丁海雷尔(Martin Hairer)一同担任黎曼奖委员会成员。