更新时间:2023-09-21姓名: 陈家清
性别: 男
职称/职务: 教授/统计学系主任
学位/学历: 博士/研究生
所在系: 统计学系
2009~2011 武汉理工大学,管理科学与工程,博士后
2003~2006 华中科技大学数学与统计学院,概率论与数理统计,博士
2000~2003 华中科技大学数学与统计学院,概率论与数理统计,硕士
2016至今 武汉理工大学理学院,统计学系,教授,博士生导师
2008~2016 武汉理工大学理学院,统计学系,副教授,硕士生导师
2006~2008 武汉理工大学理学院,统计学系,讲师
2012.02~2013.02 University of South Florida公共卫生学院流行病与生物统计系访问学者
1. 主编出版《随机过程基础》(第二版)统计专业教材,武汉理工大学出版社,2022.
2. 主编出版《应用随机过程》研究生公共课教材,武汉理工大学出版社,2014.
3. 主编出版《应用数理统计》研究生公共课教材,武汉理工大学出版社,2013.
[1] Chen, J. et al. Semiparametric multivariate joint model for skewed-longitudinal and survival data: A Bayesian approach. Statistics in Medicine, 2023, 42: 4972-4989.
[2] Chen, J. et al. Quantile adaptive sufficient variable screening by controlling false discovery. Entropy, 2023, 25(3): Article 524.
[3] Chen, J. et al. Empirical Bayes decision for a generalized exponential distribution with contaminated data. Symmetry-Basel, 2023, 15(2): Article 511.
[4] Chen, J. et al. Bayesian change-point joint models for multivariate longitudinal and time-to-event data. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 2022, 14(2): 227-241.
[5] Chen, J. et al. Multivariate piecewise joint models with random change-points for skewed-longitudinal and survival data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 2022, 49(12): 3063-3089.
[6] Chen, J. et al. Bayesian joint modeling of multivariate longitudinal and survival data with an application to Diabetes Study. Frontiers in Big Data, 2022, 5: Article 812725.
[7] Chen, J. et al. Double penalized expectile regression for linear mixed effects model. Symmetry-Basel, 2022, 14: Article 1538.
[8] Chen, J. et al. The estimation of bent Line expectile regression model based on a smoothing technique, Symmetry-Basel, 2022, 14: Article 1320.
[9] Chen, J. et al. Impairment of a NIK-SIX feedback axis results in dysregulation of intestinal immune homeostasis and promotes early-onset fatal spontaneous colitis. Iranian Journal of Immunology, 2022, 19(3): 263-277.
[10] Chen, J. et al. Bayesian MLIRT-based joint models for multivariate longitudinal and survival data with multiple features. Journal of Medical Statistics and Informatics, 2021, 9: Article 4.
[11] Chen, J. et al. Supervised functional data discriminant analysis for hyperspectral image classification, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020, 58(2): 841-851.
[12] Chen, J. et al. Bayesian joint analysis of heterogeneous- and skewed-longitudinal data and a binary outcome, with application to AIDS clinical studies. Statistical Methods in Medical Research,2018, 27(10): 2946–2963.
[13] Chen, J. et al. Joint model-based clustering of nonlinear longitudinal trajectories and associated time-to-event data analysis, linked by latent class membership: with application to AIDS clinical studies. Lifetime Data Analysis, 2018, 24: 699–718.
[14] Chen, J. et al. Bayesian quantile regression for nonlinear mixed-effects joint models for longitudinal data in presence of mismeasured covariate errors. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 2017, 27(5): 741–755.
[15] Chen, J. et al. Hierarchical mixture models for longitudinal immunologic data with heterogeneity, non-normality, and missingness. Statistical Methods in Medical Research,2017,26(1): 223-247.
[16] Chen, J. et al. Simultaneous Bayesian inference on a finite mixture of mixed-effects Tobit joint models for longitudinal data with multiple features. Statistics and Its Interface, 2017, 10:557–573.
[17] Chen, J. et al. Bayesian quantile regression-based nonlinear mixed-effects joint models for time-to-event and longitudinal data with multiple features,Statistics in Medicine,2016, 35: 5666-5685.
[18] Chen, J. et al. Bayesian approach to nonlinear mixed-effects quantile regression models for longitudinal data with non-normality and left-censoring. Journal of Advanced Statistics, 2016, 3(1): 109-121.
[19] Chen, J. et al. A Bayesian mixture of semiparametric mixed-effects joint models for skewed-longitudinal and time-to-event data,Statistics in Medicine,2015,34(20): 2820-2843.