













2014.03-2015.03 美国伊利诺伊大学,访问学者


1.Jiahui Chen, Yuan Wan*. Localized shapelets selection for interpretable time series. Applied Intelligence, 2023 (53):17985-18001

2.Chen Li, Yuan Wan*, Wenjing Zhang, Huanhuan Li. A two-phase filtering of discriminative shapelets learning for time series classification. Applied Intelligence, 2023 (53):13815-13833

3.Yuan Wan, Xiaojing Meng, Yufei Wang, Haopeng Qiang. Dynamic Time Warping Similarity measurement based on low-rank sparse representation. The Visual Computer, 2022 (38):1731-1740

4.Yuan Wan, Shengzi Sun*, Cheng Zeng. Adaptive Similarity Embedding for Unsupervised Multi-View Feature Selection. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2021, 33 (10):3338-3350

5.Haopeng Qiang, Yuan Wan*, Lun Xiang, Xiaojing Meng. Deep semantic similarity adversarial hashing for cross-modal retrieval. Neurocomputing, 2020 (400):24-33

6.Haopeng Qiang, Yuan Wan*, Ziyi Liu, Lun Xiang, Xiaojing Meng. Discriminative deep asymmetric supervised hashing for cross-modal retrieval. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020 (204):106188

7.Jinghui Zhang, Yuan Wan*, Zhiping Chen, Xiaojing Meng. Non-negative and Local Sparse Coding based on l2-norm and Hessian regularization. Information Sciences, 2019, 486 (6):88-100

8.Shengzi Sun, Yuan Wan*, Cheng Zeng. Multi-view Embedding with Adaptive Shared Output and Similarity for unsupervised feature selection. Knowledge-based Systems, 2019, 165 (2): 40-52

9.Yuan Wan, Xiaoli Chen*, Jinghui Zhang. Global and intrinsic geometric structure embedding for unsupervised feature selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 2018 (93):134–142

10.    Jinghui Zhang,Yuan Wan*, Zhiping Chen, Xiaojing Meng, Non-negative and Local Sparse Coding based on l2-norm and Hessian regularization, Information Sciences.2019,486 (6):88-100

11.    Shengzi Sun, Yuan Wan*, Cheng Zeng. Multi-view Embedding with Adaptive Shared Output and Similarity for unsupervised feature selection. Knowledge-based Systems, 2019, 165(2): 40-52  

12.    Yuan Wan, Xiaoli Chen*, Jinghui Zhang. Global and intrinsic geometric structure embedding for unsupervised feature selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 2018 (93):134–142

13.    Ying Shi, Yuan Wan*, Kefeng Wu, Xiaoli Chen. Non-negativity and locality constrained Laplacian sparse coding for image classification. Expert Systems with Applications, 2017, 72(4):121–129

14.    Junhao Zhang, Yuan Wan*. A Framework for Multi-view Feature Selection via Embedding Space[C] IGTA2018, The Thirteenth Conference of Image and Graphic Technologies and Applications, 548-561

15.    Yuan WanXiaoli Chen(*), Ying Shi. Adaptive cost dynamic time warping distance in time series analysis for classification[J]Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 319 (2017): 514-520


1. 2020-2023. 基于工业云的三维图形引擎技术研究与建模系统开发(主持)

2. 2021-2022. 中国零售药店行业数据及品类分析模型(主持)

3. 2021-2022. NRE合作协议(华为合作项目)(主持)

4. 2015-2017. 国家科技部国家支撑计划项目“南水北调工程混凝土病害防治关键技术研究与示范”(参与)

5. 2014-2016. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目 “非常规突发事件下社会群体心理与行为变化规律和机制”(参与)

